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About AmorKado

July-September Celebrations

AmorKado, your premier online gift shop situated in the heart of Malta

Crafting Memories with Personalised Tailor-Made Wooden Gifts for Every Celebration


July - September

World Population Day 

July 11

Focuses on global population issues, family planning, and sustainable development.

International Day of Friendship 

July 30

Encourages friendship, understanding, and solidarity among people.

International Youth Day 

August 12

Celebrates the contributions and potential of young people worldwide.

World Humanitarian Day 

August 19

Recognizes humanitarian workers and their efforts to alleviate suffering.

Women's Equality Day 

August 26

Advocates for gender equality and women's rights.

International Day of Charity

September 5

Encourages acts of kindness and charitable giving.

Grandparents Day 

Date varies

Honors grandparents and their role in families.

International Peace Day 

September 21

Promotes peace, harmony, and conflict resolution globally. It encourages dialogue and understanding among diverse communities.